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Why Style & Buttons Are Not Working With Hide My WP?

If the Style and/or JavaScript is not working properly on your website after activating Hide My WP Ghost, the issues you’re encountering could be due to a few different configuration settings within the plugin. Here are steps you can take to resolve the most common problems:

  1. Text Mapping: If class names are changed due to the Text Mapping feature, you may need to turn this feature off. This can be done by navigating to Hide My WP > Overview > Text Mapping on your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Hiding Common WP Paths: Some cache plugins may use old paths to check CSS and JS files, leading to issues if you’re hiding the common WP paths. You can try excluding CSS and JS extensions from being hidden by going to Hide My WP > Change Paths > Core Security > Hide WordPress Common Paths.
  3. Hiding IDs from Meta Tags: Cache plugins might also use IDs from meta tags to combine CSS and JS files. If you’ve activated the option to hide IDs from meta tags, you should consider switching it off and then checking the frontend to see if the issue persists. This option is located under Hide My WP > Tweaks > Hide Options.
  4. Hiding HTML Comments: Though it’s less common, problems may arise if you’re hiding HTML comments. If this option is on, you can turn it off at Hide My WP > Tweaks > Hide Options > Hide HTML Comments and then check the frontend.

It is also recommended not to use the experimental options from Hide My WP > Mapping > Experimental.

Aside from these specific settings, general advice includes ensuring that you follow the instructions based on your server type after saving the settings, checking the rewrite rules in the config file, and making sure that all rewrite rules are loaded correctly depending on whether your server is Apache, Litespeed, Nginx, or others.

If you have activated Text Mapping in CSS and JS, be aware that this can cause CSS and JS URLs to load dynamically, which might slow down your site if these resources are not cached on the first call.

By adjusting these settings, you should be able to address the most common issues related to Styles and JavaScript functionality on your site with Hide My WP Ghost activated.