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Can Hide My WP Ghost be used as a stand-alone security plugin?

Question: Can Hide My WP Ghost be used as a stand-alone security plugin? Is using it sufficient for protecting my WordPress site or should I also use it together with other plugins like wordfence?

Hide My WP Ghost can be used as a stand-alone security plugin IF your hosting service already provides backups, file cleaning, malware detection, etc. In this case, you only need to install Hide My WP Ghost for attack prevention.

So, if you have file cleaners / malware removal, etc. from your hosting company, then you may don’t need to pair this up with another security plugin. With a good hosting provider, you are protected and hardened on the server side.

And then you can just protect WP login and directories using HMWP Ghost on the application side.

Otherwise, if you DON’T have file cleaners / malware removal, etc. from your hosting company, we recommend that you use something like WP Cerber, WordFence, or others.

With Hide My WP Ghost you prevent attacks from happening in the first place. Hackers and hacker bots can’t attack what they can’t find.

There are many vulnerabilities in WordPress itself, in themes and plugins. It’s still good to have features to scan for infected files, though: through things like iThemes security or server-side features from hosts that offer those.

It’s important to mention that Hide My WP Ghost is not meant to be an all in one security plugin, and we don’t intend to replace the other security plugins out there.

Our purpose is to add an extra layer of protection (not available in the others), in order to prevent hacking attempts.

Other tools focus on malware scanning and fixing files that were already infected, we focus on hiding the paths that hacker bots use to gain access or inject scripts.

So, HMWP Ghost is a prevention method NOT a cure method.

Hide My WP Ghost is compatible with other popular security tools and plugins, and we have clients using it alongside tools such as:

  • Wordfence,
  • iThemes,
  • Shield Security,
  • Sucuri Security,
  • and WP Cerber Security.