Can Hide My WP Ghost replace iThemes Security?
We don’t intend to replace the other security plugins out there.
Our purpose is to add an extra layer of protection (not available in the others), in order to prevent hacking attempts.
Hide My WP Ghost is compatible with iThemes Security and we recommend using them both for increased website protection.
We have many customers who use them together successfully, as they complement each other.
So, if you are already using the iThemes plugin, we don’t recommend replacing it, as it has many complementary features that do a great job protecting your website.
Check out the resource linked below to see what features to activate in HMWP Ghost while using it together with the iThemes plugin.
Use Hide My WP Ghost with iThemes Security >>

Hide My WP Ghost adds an extra layer of security to what iThemes does and they are compatible. It’s not meant to overlap with iThemes but to add extra security.
Check out this video to learn more about why these plugins are very different from one another and why WordFence, Sucuri, iThemes will not offer the extra security layer that Hide My WP Ghost provides.