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Tag: hide wordpress paths

Hide WordPress Common Paths in CSS Files

It was a real challenge to hide paths in CSS files but we managed to find a solution that will not affect the load on the web page.

Since version 4.2, you can use Hide My WP Ghost together with other cache plugins as the plugin verifies and changes all the paths in the caches files.

We’ve tested Hide My WP Ghost with cache plugins like Autoptimize, Breeze, Cache Enabler, Comet Cache, Hummingbird, Hyper Cache, LiteSpeed Cache, Power Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, WP-Rocket, WP Fastest Cache and all these plugins passed the tests successfully.


Lesson 1 – How to Hide Your WordPress Website with Hide My WP Ghost

In this lesson, I will teach how to customize the paths and hide your WordPress website from theme hackers bots.
Now that you have downloaded the plugin and installed it on your website, you need to make sure you take full advantage of all its features.

Our challenge with Hide My WP Ghost was to offer an easy-to-set-up plugin and a stable and complex security plugin that would protect websites from almost all known WordPress attacks.
