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Cloud Panel Server – Hide My WP Ghost Setup

If you’re looking to protect your website from malicious attacks, Hide My WP Ghost is an excellent plugin that can help you secure your website. Hide My WP Ghost can be installed on a Cloud Panel server, and this article will guide you through the process.

Before you begin, make sure that you have a Cloud Panel server with Nginx installed and a WordPress websited.

Here are the steps to set up Hide My WP Ghost on a Cloud Panel server:

Step 1: Install Hide My WP Ghost on the Cloud Panel website.

The first step is to install Hide My WP Ghost on the Cloud Panel website. You can do this by downloading the plugin from the WordPress directory or the Hide My WP Ghost website and installing it like any other WordPress plugin.

Step 2: Select Cloud Panel server type

After you’ve installed Hide My WP Ghost, go to Hide My WP > Advanced > Compatibility and select the server type as Cloud Panel. This will ensure that the plugin is compatible with the Cloud Panel server.

Step 3: Setup new paths in Hide My WP Ghost

Once you’ve selected the server type as Cloud Panel, you’ll need to set up the custom paths in Hide My WP Ghost.

After you’ve set up the custom paths, save the settings and follow the notification to include the hidemywpghost.conf file in the Cloud Panel Vhost file on the Cloud Panel dashboard.

To do this, add the include file above the {{settings}} line in the Vhost file. Save the Vhost file and restart Nginx from the Cloud Panel admin section.

Step 4: Check the frontend and login page

Once you’ve restarted Nginx, check the frontend page and login page with Hide My WP Ghost. You can confirm that the plugin is working by clicking on “Yes, it’s working“.

Note! The custom wp-admin will be redirected to the default wp-admin once the used is logged to the server. This is because Cloud Panel can’t rewrite the wp-admin through Nginx config file.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up Hide My WP Ghost on a Cloud Panel server. With this plugin, you can protect your website from malicious attacks and ensure that your website is secure.