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Tag: hide my wordpress

The Difference Between Safe Mode and Ghost Mode in Hide My WP

Hide My WP Ghost brings a complex level of security through obscurity and protection against hacker bots.

A reason to change the common paths in WordPress is to be able to hide these paths and prevent script injections into your vulnerable plugins and themes.

Is your website secure? Run a free Website Security Check for your website now.

Note! The paths will not be physically changed by the plugin, which means all the previous settings will go back to normal in case you decide to deactivate Hide My WP Ghost.


What Hide My WP Ghost Can’t Do

We work hard to make Hide My WP Ghost plugin for keeping your website safe using security through obscurity and at the same time to have a fast loading website with good SEO results in Google search engine.

Most hackers are using bots who access the vulnerable plugin paths and inject javascript or SQL to get valuable data from your website. We made sure that Hide My WP Ghost will protect you from these types of attacks.


Hide All The WordPress Common Files with Hide My WP Ghost

What Hide My WordPress Ghost can do:

You can set the Ghost mode to hide all the main WordPress paths:

  • wp-content
  • wp-includes
  • wp-content/uploads
  • wp-content/plugins
  • wp-content/themes
  • wp-comments-post.php
  • author
  • wp-json
  • wp-login.php, wp-login, login
  • wp-admin
  • and all the plugins and themes names
  • show forbidden error for all the old paths and let only the new paths
  • custom URLs using the URL Mapping feature