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Load Theme Style Dynamically And Hide Paths

Because the CSS and JS are called statically for a good loading speed of the entire website, Hide My WP Ghost will not change the paths and remove the comments within the website theme style.

If you really want to change the paths and remove the theme comments, you can set Hide My WP Ghost to load it dynamically.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Add this line in wp-config.php file after the line with define(‘WP_DEBUG’ ,false);
    define( 'HMW_DYNAMIC_FILES', 1 );
  2. Rename the Theme style name in Hide My WP > Custom Paths > Theme Security > Custom Theme Style Name.
    Use a name ending in .css (e.g. design.css)
  3. Save the setting and check the website with a different browser or in incognito mode to make sure the style is loaded correctly.

A better solution is to use a cache plugin and combine the CSS files into one CSS. This way Hide My WP Ghost will remove the theme comments into the cached files.