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Hide My WP Ghost is compatible with most other plugins and themes but sometimes you need an extra tunning to have all the functionality lined up.


Custom Safe URL Parameter

It’s important to have a secure URL when it comes to rollback the settings to default in Hide My WP Ghost.

Customize the safe parameter and make sure you don’t share this information with other people.

To customize the safe parameter, go to Hide My WP > Advanced > Rollback Settings > Custom Safe URL Param and add a custom name.

Prevent Broken Website Layout

After you install the Hide My WP Ghost plugin and select Safe Mode or Ghost Mode, follow the instruction based on your server type after you save the settings.

Now, if you followed all the notifications from Hide My WP settings, there are some situations when the website loads slower in frontend.

Find solutions here:

This option will temporarily deactivate the plugin from loading if it detects that the website is slow and reload after you save the settings in the Hide My WP > Change Paths page.

To activate this feature, switch on Hide My WP > Advanced > Prevent Broken Website Layout


Server Type

One of the standout features is its ability to adapt to various server environments, ensuring optimal performance and security. By default, Hide My WP Ghost automatically detects the server type your website is hosted on, such as Apache, IIS, Nginx, LiteSpeed, SiteGround, CloudPanel, Flywheel Local, InMotion, WP Engine, Bitnami, and GoDaddy.

However, with the rapid emergence of new server technologies, automatic detection may not always be foolproof. To address this, Hide My WP Ghost offers a convenient option for users to manually select their server type from a comprehensive list, ensuring that the plugin is perfectly tailored to their specific hosting environment.

This feature si always activate on Hide My WP > Advanced > Compatibility > Server Type.

hosting server type

This flexibility guarantees that your website remains secure, and the custom paths and rewrite rules performs efficiently, regardless of the server it is hosted on.

Load As Must Use Plugin /
Priority Loading /
Normal Loading /
Late Loading

This option will force Hide My WP Ghost to load based on the selected option. By default the plugin loads when all other plugins are initialized.

Some cache plugins work differently on frontend and based on their loading buffer and content handler, it may not let Hide My WP to change the paths.

If you’re using ManageWP plugin, you need to activate the Must Use Plugin Loading option.

Hide My WP is already working automatically with cache plugins like WP-Rocket , Autoptimize, CDN Enabler, Breeze, Cache-Enabler, Comet Cache, Hummingbird, Hyper Cache, LiteSpeed Cache, Powered Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache, Siteground Optimizer.

This feature si always activate on Hide My WP > Advanced > Compatibility > Plugin Loading Hook.

Rewrites in WordPress Rules Section

This option will add rewrite rules to the .htaccess file in the WordPress rewrite rules area between the comments # BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress.

Some plugins may remove custom rewrite rules from the .htaccess file, especially if it’s writable, which can affect the functionality of custom paths.

To make sure the rules are working when other plugins are removing the plugin rules from outside the WordPress rewrite rules, activate this option from Hide My WP > Advanced > Compatibility > Add Rewrites in WordPress Rules Section.

rewrite rules in wordpress

Clean Login Page

Some themes ad hooks in the login page and redirect users to wp-admin on login.
If you change the wp-admin path to a custom path in Hide My WP Ghost, then the wp-admin will be protected and the theme may redirect users to the home page instead of the new admin path.

Note! To customize the login redirects for each user role, check the Redirect On Login option.

To make sure the user is redirected to the new wp-admin path on login, activate this option from Hide My WP > Advanced > Compatibility > Clean Login Page.

Email Notification

Make sure you get all the changes in Hide My WP Ghost by email.

By activating this option you will receive emails every time the wp-admin or wp-login paths are changed. You will also get the safe URL if you get locked out.

PHP mail support

The email notification doesn’t work for localhost websites or if the server doesn’t have PHP mail support.