You searched for: hide theme

How do I hide my WordPress site?

WordPress is a widely used content management system (CMS) for creating websites. However, there may…

How to Change WordPress Login Path with Hide My WP Ghost Plugin

Securing your WordPress website is crucial to protect it from potential hacking attempts. One of…

Why doesn’t Theme Layout Load Correctly?

Have you encountered an issue where your website's theme layout fails to load correctly? Don't…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with Breeze Cache Plugin

If you are looking for a cache plugin that works perfectly with Hide My WP…

Disable Hide My WP Ghost for User Roles

Our plugin is designed to provide users with the highest level of security and customization.…

Most Popular WordPress Theme Detectors

If you're a WordPress user, you may be familiar with the concept of theme detection.…

Hide My WP Ghost – LTD

Hide My WP Ghost Lifetime - Unlimited Websites Unlimited Website, Lifetime Plugin Updates, Lifetime  Events Log…

Hide My WP Ghost – Checkout

Hide My WP Ghost 1 Year Plugin Updates, 1 Year Events Log & Alerts, 1…

I already have Sucuri Pro. Will I still benefit from using Hide My WP Ghost?

Question: I already have Sucuri Security Pro. Is it still worth getting this plugin? Will…

What other security plugin do you recommend using alongside Hide My WP Ghost?

Hide My WP Ghost is not meant to be an all in one security plugin,…

Does Hide My WP Ghost complement, overlap, or replace other security tools like VirusDie, Wordfence, Sucuri?

Hide My WP Ghost will complement them by offering an extra layer of protection that…

How does Hide My WP Ghost compare to Wordfence? Can they be used together?

Hide My WP Ghost adds an extra layer of security to what Wordfence does and…

Will Hide My WP Ghost protect my site against signup spammers / spam signups?

We didn't specifically build Hide My WP Ghost for that. However it will help stop…

Why should I use Hide My WP Ghost if I’ve implemented an 2FA Plugin?

Even if you've implemented an 2FA plugin, the vulnerable paths will still be there, which…

How can using Hide My WP Ghost increase site speed?

Hide My WP Ghost enables you to activate certain settings that can improve site speed.…

Can Hide My WP Ghost prevent spam messages that come through my contact forms?

For comment spam: you can use Hide My WP Ghost to hide: wp-comments-post.php. Note! Hiding…

Can Hide My WP Ghost be used as a stand-alone security plugin?

Question: Can Hide My WP Ghost be used as a stand-alone security plugin? Is using…

Can I reverse all settings so that my site goes back to pre-Hide My WP Ghost state?

Yes, ALL settings are reversible. If you Deactivate the plugin first (instead of deleting via…

Do I still need Hide My WP Ghost if I’m already using a security tool or plugin ?

Hide My WP Ghost is NOT meant to replace the other security plugins out there.…

Hide My WP Ghost Black Friday Offer

Days Hours Minutes Seconds In 2021, 42% of small businesses were targeted by cyber criminals. Hide My…

Ideal Hide My WP Ghost Settings – Best Practice 2024 Learn how to set up Hide My WP Ghost in Ghost Mode and activate…

Hide My WP Ghost Exceptions

Hide My WP Ghost is compatible with all servers, hosting services, and also supports WordPress…

Hide The Old Image Paths with Hide My WP Ghost

Before hiding the images with old paths, it's important to understand what this process entails…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with SiteGround Security

Even if both plugins are considered WordPress Security plugins, SiteGround Security and Hide My WP…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with WP Cerber Security

Even if both plugins are considered WordPress Security plugins, WP Cerber Security and Hide My…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with BBQ Firewall

Even if both plugins are considered WordPress Security plugins, BBQ Firewall and Hide My WP…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with Sucuri Security

Even if both plugins are considered WordPress Security plugins, Sucuri Security and Hide My WP…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with Anti-Malware Security

Even if both plugins are considered WordPress Security plugins, Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall and…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with Limit Login Attempts Reloaded

Even if both plugins are considered WordPress Security plugins, Limit Login Attempts Reloaded and Hide…

Use Hide My WP Ghost with Loginizer

Even if both plugins are considered WordPress Security plugins, Loginizer and Hide My WP Ghost…