WordPress Security Tweaks

Discover how Hide My WP Ghost helps you have a secure website!

Features included in this section

Hide WordPress for Logged Users

Hide the admin bar and force the new paths for connected users.
This option also changes the new Media images URLs (useful for themes with custom user dashboards).

Hide Versions and WordPress Tags

Hide WordPress and Plugin versions from the end of any image, css, and js files.
Hide the WP Generator META
Hide the WP DNS Prefetch META

Redirect Hidden Paths

When the WordPress common paths are changed and hidden, all the calls like /wp-admin and /wp-login are redirected to the Front Page by default. Use the Select option to change the page where you want visitors or hackers to be redirected.

Hide WordPress HTML Comments

WordPress is not the only one that adds comments into the source-code; plugins and themes also do this. Most Theme Detectors will read the comments from HTML to identify plugins and versions. Removing the HTML comments is also a must if you want to hide the website from detectors.

Hide Emojicons

Emojis are little icons used to express ideas or emotions. If you don’t use them on your website, you don’t need to load them. Another reason to disable Emojicons is for speed optimization. 

Change Paths in Sitemap XML

For better Search Engine Optimization, we recommend using this feature to change all the images paths with custom ones in sitemap.xml

Disable Embed Scripts

Don’t load Embed service if you don’t use Embed videos.

Disable WLW Manifest Scripts

Don’t load it if you didn’t configure Windows Live Writer for your site.

Disable DB Debug in Frontend

It’s not safe to have Database Debug turned on in frontend. Make sure you don’t use Database debug on live websites.

My WP Ghost
Plugin Features

Easy To Use

You can install and set up the plugin in less than 5 minutes. You don’t have to be an expert to make it work. No programming knowledge required.

Faster Than Others​

Hide My WordPress Ghost is a speed-optimized plugin. The average loading time is 0.03s, which is faster than 90% of WordPress plugins. This will help improve your site's Search Engine ranking.

WordPress Multisite

Hide My WordPress Ghost works with WP Multisite on sub-directories and sub-domains.

Compatible With Other Plugins​

Hide My WordPress Ghost was tested with over 1.000 other themes and plugins. Works with the most popular Cache Plugins, Security Plugins, CDN Plugins, and WordPress Themes.

Professional, Dedicated Support

We offer professional WordPress support that includes: bugs, site fixes, payment processing issues, website speed inquiries, and much more.

Start Protecting Your WP Website Today

With the Most USER-FRIENDLY WordPress Security Plugin

Don’t let hackers know that you are using WordPress. 

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